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Mail is a very personal channel, it incorporates all the senses. But the real power of DM is unleashed when this combines with the intelligent use of data.

What do Blue Star DIRECT do? Blue Star DIRECT’s role is to work with our client’s customer data to execute highly personalised direct mail, as part of a fully integrated customer experience. We decipher and consolidate customer data to glean insights that demonstrate a deep understanding of each individual customer. In turn, our clients see more engaged customers with increased lifetime value. They are less likely to churn because they feel understood and valued. We work closely with our clients, to address the challenges they face in executing hyper-personalised and intelligent direct mail campaigns. These challenges include:

  • Deciphering vast quantities of customer data, cleaning and consolidating this to demonstrate a deep understanding of their customer base
  • Integrating DM into the broader customer experience and automating across channels
  • Ensuring customer data is secure and your customer’s privacy is protected

If you’re experiencing any of these challenges register your details and we’ll give you a call within 24 hours to talk through how we can help.

Effectiveness of Direct Mail & Marketing

Those who work in the digital realm may find there is a constant sense of anxiety as to whether the techniques and practices used today will still be relevant tomorrow.

But the statistics show that far from sending direct marketing obsolete, the rapidly changing digital landscape has provided marketers the opportunity to make both email and regular mail campaigns far more effective.

Truth be told, direct mail and email marketing maintain a very comfortable position as platforms for reaching target markets and making conversions. With the right tactics, direct mail can get greater engagement, increased response rates, and better results.



Struggling to cut through with your message? Direct mail invokes more human senses than any other media, making it a great way to engage with your customers. With the rise of digital marketing, letterboxes are less cluttered and receiving physical mail is almost a novelty. Direct mail demands attention, and as much as 92% of it is opened.



Through intelligent use of data, direct marketing allows for branded messaging to be communicated in an extremely personal manner, as part of a fully integrated customer experience. This contributes to making customers feel more valued by your brand. In fact, 57% of people who receive direct mail feel more valued.


That personal touch customers receive when they see the message crafted for them makes the experience far more rich for them – which may be why 73% of customers prefer direct mail as an advertising method.



Intelligent direct mail uses your customer data to create relevant communication that drives engagement. 48% of people who receive direct mail take action after receiving it – an amazing conversion rate when compared with other forms of marketing.


And it’s not just the older generations who are prompted to take action when they receive direct mail. The myth that physical mail is an ‘old fashioned’ form of communication is just that – a myth. In fact, 90% of millennials believe direct mail marketing is reliable, and 57% percent have made purchases based on offers made by direct mail.



Now it doesn’t matter how creative your message may be, if your customers can’t remember it then the purpose of your campaign has been lost. With direct mail marketing, 48% of customers retain the message for future use after reading it.

Direct mail and email marketing campaigns specifically target customers who are already invested in your product, therefore they are more likely to retain the information you send them because it pertains to their interests.

Using customer data to glean insights that demonstrate a deep understanding of each individual customer can help you create direct mail that results in more engaged customers with increased lifetime value. They are less likely to look to another company, because they feel understood and valued by your brand.



When it comes down to dollar value, direct mail has been proven to offer an enviable return on investment, with studies showing that one dollar spent on direct mail returned $12.57 in sales.


Campaigns that include mail are also 27% more likely to deliver top-ranking sales performance, and 40% more likely to deliver top-ranking acquisition levels



Email marketing is even more profitable, with every dollar spent offering an average return of $44. With our ‘always on’ culture, your customers can be communicated to whether they are in the lunchroom at work, on the bus home or waiting in line at the bank.


More than 43% of emails are opened on mobile. With direct marketing’s influence anchored in the opportunity to personalise your branded message, delivering that message directly to the customer’s pocket is a brilliant opportunity to take advantage of.


Direct mail marketing is not on the decline – it’s simply going through a process of evolution. The best marketers are taking advantage of the opportunities that data provides to improve direct marketing campaigns and integrate them with a multi-channel strategy that makes customers feel all the more valued and understood.

get your free consultation now

Working with Blue Star DIRECT, I feel confident that the sensitive data we deal with is in safe hands. The team are proactive and consultative, readily available and regularly go ‘above and beyond’. They take an active interest in our Direct Marketing outcomes and work hard to ensure our continued growth while implementing cost-savings.

Australian Children's Charity - Fundraising Lead Corporate & Community

I would just like to pass on our gratitude to Blue Star DIRECT VIC and NSW for the achievement of getting our carbon dm campaign out the door on time with minimal issues.

Major Australian Energy Company - Customer Fulfilment Manager

In consultation with Blue Star DIRECT, our newsletter was revolutionalised into a highly personalised, targeted eNewsletter with an equally personalised print alternative (to fulfil bounce backs and for customers who express a preference to receive a printed newsletter).

Major Australian Bank

We would recommend Blue Star DIRECT to businesses looking to work with a team of dedicated professionals who understand what your needs are and how to translate that understanding into the deliverables you desire. Blue Star DIRECT offer a consultative relationship over a vendor-customer based model and provide expertise in alternative solutions that you may not have thought of (you don’t know what you don’t know).

Major Australian Energy Company - Fulfilment Manager

During a high profile crisis response project involving a global brand, the logistical challenges of communicating with customers became apparent during a fast-paced, uncertain environment and legally sensitive corporate crisis. We engaged Blue Star DIRECT to assist in a rapid response campaign that involved printing, collating and sending high-quality communications and fragile packages to customers. Their professionalism in managing this difficult project was second-to-none.

Crisis Management organisation - Project Manager

We have worked with Blue Star DIRECT for many years across a wide range of mailings; from stylised campaign DMs to BAU communications. What really makes them stand out is the level of service they provide and their advanced knowledge of data. The people genuinely care about their clients and the quality of work, and they’re always responsive and highly professional. Our data is complex; requiring sophisticated programming and Blue Star DIRECT have been consistent in providing clear and accurate DM communications for our donors/customers.

Charity organisation

I have always found Blue Star DIRECT staff helpful and very efficient. Having several thousand files on site with Blue Star DIRECT means that in emergency situations it necessitates a request for file to be scanned urgently. They respond quickly and regularly exceed my expectations. Similarly whenever we query any scanned documents they are very responsive to investigate and provide us answers and or solutions. I can recommend their services and would be more than happy to talk to any prospective clients.

Australian Regional Council

The Examinations team had a very positive experience working with Blue Star DIRECT. The customer service provided and knowledge of printing was of a very high standard. I personally enjoyed working with the Blue Star DIRECT team. I would recommend Blue Star DIRECT to other universities if they were to approach you for examination printing.

Respected Australian University - National Manager TE&R, Student Administrative Services

Blue Star Direct is your only logical choice to handle these crucial tasks

With over three decades of experience behind us, our history of excellence makes Blue Star DIRECT the obvious choice. Across our Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane locations, our 250 staff work tirelessly to bring you the results you’ll love. And we’ve been in the game for 34 years, so we know what businesses want, and what your customers will respond to.


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